Hello, 👋

Lateef Quadri Olayinka

I’m a front-end developer, and I specialize in building web apps that just work across all platforms and browsers with modern tools. I care deeply about building pixel-perfect websites with good user experience. As software development is an always-evolving career; I’m always eager to learn new things and improve my skill set.

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About Me

Hi, I'm a Nigeria-based Frontend Developer with experience building Web Interfaces with cross-platform compability, responsiveness and of good performance.

Having worked with several international and local companies, I have good experience working remotely with international teams which in turn has greatly improved my communication and collaboration skills.

I believe I can make an immediate impact on your organization with my unique blend of zeal and passion for continuous learning. Have an Open Position? Hit me up

Core Stacks

  • HTML
  • Bootstrap
  • JavaScript (ES6)
  • TypeScript
  • React
  • NextJS
  • Styled Components
  • Redux


  • Git - Github
  • Netlify
  • Vercel
  • Framework7.io


Netflix Clone

Netflix Clone

A clone version of netflix where you can play movies trailer based on categories. Have you been looking for a movie trailer? I bet it's there. Check it out.

React Axios Movie-Trailer Youtube

Countries REST API Data

Countries REST API Data

This is a challenge from Frontendmentor platform. It's shows Countries data globally. Their flags, region, languages, currency and so on. I'm pretty sure your country is there, check it out.

React REST API React-Router Dark Mode

Pig Game (Dice)

Pig Game (Dice)

This is a multiplayer based dice game built with Vanilla JavaScript. If you're a lover of dice game. Check it out.

HTML CSS Bootstrap Vanilla JS



A web game wher you are to count the number of vowels in the words displayed. You have 60s at the start of the game which increases as you progress. It also has sound effects. Check it out.

HTML CSS Bootstrap Vanilla JavaScript

Covid-19 Tracker

Covid-19 Tracker

A web app that shows Covid-19 stats throughout the world. It shows the total number of cases, recovered and death in real-time. It also has a section for educating you on the early, mid and late symptoms of Covid-19 and also the preventive measures as stated by the Health Organisations.

React Axios Bootstrap REST API

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